The following is a guest post from John Sinden on behalf of the Washington University in St. Louis' School of Law:
In 2010, the percentage of J.D. and LL.B. degrees earned by women, as a total of all degrees earned, reached 49 percent. Although this number reflects nearly half of the degrees earned in the legal industry, women today still face many disparities in income and promotion opportunities, with women lawyers only earning 87 percent of men’s salaries.
In order to raise awareness around the opportunities to bridge the gender gap in the legal industry and to address positive gains, Washington University’s @WashULaw online Master of Legal Studies program created the following infographic. This infographic covers the history of women in law, the types of adversity women face today and possible solutions to address inequality in the legal workforce.

Brought to you by the online Master of Legal Studies program at @WashULaw
Header Photo Credit: Mr.TinDC via Compfight cc