The Monday Morning Playback

Last week found me out of pocket for a few days as we celebrated, prepared for celebrating, and other such related things tied to my daughter's first birthday. I was living the offline life, detached for the most part from all modes of social networking save a few tweets late Friday night basically saying I'd be back today. It was a busy few days, a great weekend (birthday party plus a quadruple OT win by my Tigers), and I'm back and recharged and ready to get to it (it including a couple of days on the road this week).

Now, while there were I'm sure a ton of outstanding articles over the last seven days (many of which I'm sure I'll catch soon enough and may pop up in a future MMP post), I was only able to catch a couple of items Monday and Tuesday as I prepped my office for three days of Erik-free time last week and two days this week, so my apologies for my ommission of what I'm sure were some awesome articles and such, but here's what I've got (and they're all definitely worth a click and a read):

From Amplify Talent: "Most Job Descriptions Suck. This One Does Not."
First things first, I love me some NPR. Second thing, and maybe more importantly, my office provides HR services and support to a major market NPR affiliate (university HR is often a wondrous and complicated thing). So this piece about a recent NPR HR opportunity was all kinds of awesome in my playbook. Fanboy attitude aside, this article highlights a recent job ad that is part infographic, part sales pitch, part thing I now want to replicate (and you'll probably want to as well).

From "The 12 Ways You Can Improve Your Corporate Careers Site"
I'm starting to notice that there are themes each week when I compile these lists, an occurence that isn't intentional on my part, I don't know - maybe I get on topic kicks or something, but this piece focuses on ways to make your careers site more awesome (note: job ads like the above would be a good start). Lots of good information here, some of it more applicable than other depending on your organization, your work culture, and your ability to make pixels (and systems as it were) dance for your and your applicant's enjoyment.

You're feeling more informed now I hope, so on to the music!

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